ELS is providing these instructions for your convenience. Our forms were designed to work on computer platforms. We are not technical experts and we do not guarantee that these instructions will work for any platform other than Windows, Mac or Linux.

Get the PDF Max App for Your iPad

• Go to the App Store and download the free version of PDF Max to your iPad

• Open PDF Max on your iPad (PDF Max needs to be open before downloading so it will be able to import the file)

How to Download Your Forms

• When you complete your forms purchase you have three options to download your forms:

1. Thank You Screen – You will be directed to the Thank you. Your order has been received page. For immediate downloads, click on the file names that appear in the Download list. Please download each form’s Instructions & FAQs file as well.

2. Email Link – You will receive an email from Equinelegalsolutions.com where you can click on the downloads tab to go to My Account on our website. Download the files that appear in your Download list.

3. Login to My Account – You can also log in to your account at any time by clicking on Log in in the upper right corner of any screen to go to the My Account page. If you don’t yet have an account, you can create one.

o When you complete your login, you will see your My Account Dashboard. Here you can view all your orders, manage your billing address and edit your password and account details. Click on the Downloads icon to go to your list of form files.

• Please remember to download the Instructions & FAQs file for each form.

Downloading Your Forms to Your iPad

1. Download the PDFMax app from the App Store (it’s free).
2. Go to the Downloads screen (see How to Download Your Forms, above).
3. Note: Download one file at a time
4. Tap on the file that you want to download.
5. The form will open on your screen BUT DO NOT TRY TO EDIT IT
6. Tap the Share icon.
7. Scroll down and tap Save to Files.
8. We recommend creating a new folder for your ELS Forms so they will be easy to find in the future.
9. Tap Save.
10. Open the PDF Max app.
11. Find the form file and tap to open.
12. The form will open with the editable fields highlighted in blue.
13. Tap the field to you want to edit.
14. Selected fields will be yellow with a red border.
15. Type in your information or check the box.
16. You can use NEXT or PREVIOUS to scroll from field to field.
17. When finished editing the form tap on DONE and your edits will be saved.

To find your forms on your iPad

1. Go to the Home screen.
2. From the middle of the screen, swipe down for the Search screen.
3. Enter the folder name where you have saved your forms.
4. Tap on the form you wish to open.
5. At the top of the screen tap on Open in PDF Max.

If you need additional assistance, please submit our online Forms Support Request.

Filling Out the Form

• You can fill out the form on your iPad

• If you have difficulty selecting the checkboxes, just zoom in and then touch the boxes to check them

• A double-tap anywhere on the screen will toggle the zoom feature.

Navigating and Editing

• Tap Next on the keyboard to tab to the next field, or you can use Previous and Next in the nav bar above the keyboard to tab backwards and forwards.

• Tapping Done will remove the keyboard from view.

• When scrolling, the contents of the fillable fields will not display until the scrolling has stopped.

• You can toggle the top toolbar by tapping anywhere on the screen.

Signing the Form

• Open the form in PDF Max and scroll to the signature page.

• Press and hold on the signature line until you see the pop up menu.

• If you have a digital signature:

1. Tap Signature and your digital signature will be inserted.

• If you don’t have a digital signature:

1. Tap Signature.

2. Using your fingertip (not fingernail) or a stylus, sign your name as it appears on the form.

3. If you are happy with your signature, tap Save.

4. If you would like to try again, tap Clear.

5. Resize and move the signature if needed.

6. Tap anywhere on the screen to save.

Emailing the Form

• Open PDF Max.

• In Select Items select the file you want to email.

• In the bottom left corner tap on Share.

• Select Mail and fill in the recipient’s email address and Subject.

• Tap on the Send arrow and then Send Now (or schedule the delivery).

Printing the Form From Your iPad

You can use AirPrint to print wirelessly to an AirPrint printer or use an app that will allow you to print to any wi-fi printer. Your iPad will need to be on the same network as the printer.