Equine Legal Services

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“I have used forms from other sites in the past that were clearly horse forms written by non horse people. They were either too generalized for my needs or too difficult to understand. Your form is the first I haven’t had to modify to meet my needs. It clearly addressed all of my concerns and was easy for anyone to understand. I’m sure I will be back to make additional purchases.”

Nikole Baker
Equine Purchase Agreement
Subject to Trial Period

“The contracts have saved us from one lady who wanted to sue when she fell of her horse (her own fault) and the contract fully protected us when we sent a copy to her attorney.  WELL worth the small fee you charge to keep from being sued! We will be buying more forms soon!  Love the service and the products and we refer many people looking for a good contract to you.”

Michelle Woolley
Equine Installment Sale Agreement

“The Partial Equine Lease Agreement form that I purchased from you is exactly what we were looking for.  It is very comprehensive, and covers areas that we hadn’t even considered, but which are very important from a potential liability standpoint.”

Julee E. of North Potomac, Maryland
Partial Equine Lease Agreement

“The forms were excellent and exceeded my expectations – in particular the form covered many things I had not considered, including the maximum height that the horse would be allowed to jump, equipment to be used, etc… I would definitely order from you again.”

S. Verbeek, Harrowsmith, Ontario, Canada
Equine Sale Agreement with Trial Period