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What our Forms Cover
Horse Injures Rider: Person signing the release agrees to hold trail ride operator harmless if horse injures or kills rider.
Safety Attire: Person signing the release agrees to wear safety attire or assume increased risk of injury.
Trail Riding Specific Risks: Person signing the release agrees to assume risks specific to trail riding, such as terrain and wildlife.
Horse Behavior and Selection: Person signing the release agrees that trail ride operator can’t make any guarantees selected mount will be suitable for rider.
Rider’s Condition: Person signing the release states the rider does not have any conditions that would impair their ability to ride safely and are not under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Rider’s Horse Experience: Person signing the release answers a series of questions about the rider’s horse experience.
Third Party Claims: If anyone, such as an insurer or family member, brings a claim against the trail ride operator because of the rider’s participation in the trail ride, the person signing the release agrees to pay for the trail ride operator’s defense.

Available Forms
Commercial Trail Ride Liability Forms Package
Purpose and Intended Uses:
Liability release forms designed for commercial trail ride operators, such as rental horse operations and dude ranches.
Included Documents:
Adult Trail Ride Release and associated instructions.
Youth Trail Ride Release and associated instructions.
Document Formats
- Fillable PDF, allowing you to type in information on your computer, then print out and save the filled-in document.
- Designated space at the top of each page for your business name (optional).
- PDFs are accessible with Adobe Acrobat Reader software, a free product. To make sure you can take advantage of all features, especially the fillable, saveable features, update your Adobe Acrobat Reader software before downloading our equine forms.