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- Fillable PDF, allowing you to type in information on your computer, then print out and save the filled-in document.
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Stable Services Adult Independent Contractor Agreement Form
Stable Services Adult Independent Contractor Agreement Form
Purpose and Intended Use:
- Designed for stables and other equine facilities that hire adult independent contractors as grooms, stable hands and/or exercise riders. Contractors are paid and/or compensated via credits toward their stable or facility bill. Includes liability releases
- For show and exercise riders who are not compensated, see our Show and Exercise Rider Liability Release Forms.
Document Format:
- The Stable Services Independent Contractor Agreement Form is a fillable PDF, which allows the customer to type in the blanks on the computer and then save the completed document.
Document Length: 8 pages (plus separate instructions)
Contract Terms:
- Check-box format allows customer to assign tasks to the contractor and specify how often the contractor must perform the tasks.
- Assignable cleaning duties include stall cleaning and cleaning of other barn areas such as wash racks, barn aisles, restrooms, and lounges.
- Space for customer to add additional cleaning duties not already in the form.
- Assignable horse care duties include feeding, turnouts, blanketing and unblanketing, grooming, exercising and riding.
- Space for customer to add additional horse care duties not already in the form.
- Check-box format allows customer to specify how much and how often contractor will be paid, as well as how the contractor will be paid (check, credits to stable bill, etc.)
- List of things contractor is not allowed to do, such as bring explosives onto the property. Space for customer to add additional prohibitions.
- Contractor provides representations that they are at least 18 years old, and that they don’t have any physical or mental conditions that would interfere with their work.
- Contractor specifically agrees that they are an independent contractor vs. an employee, and that they are responsible for all taxes and reporting. Contractor authorizes stable personnel to obtain medical care for them if they are injured while at the facility, and contractor agrees to pay for the medical care.
- Terms in every Equine Legal Solutions contract
Liability Releases:
- Contractor agrees to hold the facility and its owners, employees and other contractors harmless for any injury or death.
- Specific release provision for helmets and other safety attire.
- Specific release provision for trail riding.
- Contractor agrees to indemnify facility if facility is sued in connection with the contractor.
Stable Services Youth Independent Contractor Agreement Form
Stable Services Youth Independent Contractor Agreement Form
Purpose and Intended Use:
- Designed for stables and other equine facilities that hire youth independent contractors as grooms, stable hands and/or exercise riders. Contractors are paid and/or compensated via credits toward their stable or facility bill. Includes liability releases
- For show and exercise riders who are not compensated, see our Show and Exercise Rider Liability Release Forms.
Document Format:
- The Stable Services Independent Contractor Agreement Form is a fillable PDF, which allows the customer to type in the blanks on the computer and then save the completed document.
Document Length: 8 pages (plus separate instructions)
Contract Terms:
- This contract is to be signed by the youth contractor’s parent or guardian. Check-box format allows customer to assign tasks to the contractor and specify how often the contractor must perform the tasks.
- Assignable cleaning duties include stall cleaning and cleaning of other barn areas such as wash racks, barn aisles, restrooms, and lounges.
- Space for customer to add additional cleaning duties not already in the form.
- Assignable horse care duties include feeding, turnouts, blanketing and unblanketing, grooming, exercising and riding.
- Space for customer to add additional horse care duties not already in the form.
- Check-box format allows customer to specify how much and how often contractor will be paid, as well as how the contractor will be paid (check, credits to stable bill, etc.)
- List of things contractor is not allowed to do, such as bring explosives onto the property. Space for customer to add additional prohibitions.
- Parent provides representations that they are the contractor’s parent or legal guardian, and that the contractor doesn’t have any physical or mental conditions that would interfere with their work.
- Parent specifically agrees that the youth is an independent contractor vs. an employee, and that the parent is responsible for all taxes and reporting.
- Parent authorizes stable personnel to obtain medical care for the contractor if they are injured while at the facility, and parent agrees to pay for the medical care.
- Terms in every Equine Legal Solutions contract
Liability Releases:
- Parent agrees to hold the facility and its owners, employees and other contractors harmless for any injury or death.
- Specific release provision for helmets and other safety attire.
- Specific release provision for trail riding.
- Parent agrees to indemnify facility if facility is sued in connection with the contractor.