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What our Forms Cover
Equine boarding forms typically encompass a range of coverage to ensure comprehensive protection for both the facility and the horse owners. These forms commonly include provisions for general liability, safeguarding against any accidents or injuries that might occur on the premises. Additionally, they often address property damage, covering instances where equipment or facilities are damaged due to unforeseen circumstances. Veterinary care coverage is also crucial, outlining responsibilities and procedures in the event of illness or injury to the boarded horses. Furthermore, equine boarding forms might include provisions for theft or loss of horses, offering assurance to owners regarding the safety and security of their animals. Finally, they might incorporate clauses regarding waivers and releases, delineating the rights and responsibilities of both parties involved in the boarding agreement. By encompassing these various aspects of coverage, equine boarding forms aim to provide comprehensive protection and clarity for all parties involved in the boarding arrangement.
Document Formats
- Fillable PDF, allowing you to type in information on your computer, then print out and save the filled-in document.
- Designated space at the top of each page for your business name (optional).
- PDFs are accessible with Adobe Acrobat Reader software, a free product. To make sure you can take advantage of all features, especially the fillable, savable features, update your Adobe Acrobat Reader software before downloading our equine forms.
Boarding Agreement Contract
Basic Provisions
- Clauses in every Equine Legal Solutions contract.
- Information identifying the horse(s) to be boarded (breed, gender, age, registration number, etc.).
- Contact information for boarder, boarder’s farrier, veterinarian and emergency contact.
- Boarder represents and warrants that they are an adult, that they own or lease the horse, and have the authority to enter into the contract.
Services Provided by Boarding Stable
- Boarding stable can specify different levels of care and/or different accommodations at different prices. Customizable options include full care, partial care, self care and co-op boarding.
- Optional provisions for blanketing, turnouts, supplements, extra feed, extra bedding, etc.
Payment Terms and Liens
- A suggested price list is included. The boarding stable can also substitute its own price list.
- Boarding stable can specify when payment is due, both for board and for any additional services.
- Provisions for interest and late fees on past due payments.
- Fees for returned checks and other dishonored payments.
- Boarding stable has automatic lien on horse for nonpayment.
- If boarder doesn’t pay, boarding stable can sell or give away horse and tack/equipment after specified amount of time.
- Optional provisions permitting stable to charge extra for stallions and/or mares and foals.
- Comprehensive liability releases covering boarder, boarder’s horses and boarder’s tack and other personal property.
- Indemnification clause: If a third party, such as a boarder’s guest or an insurance company, sues the boarding stable in connection with the boarder or their horses, the boarder has to pay for the stable’s legal defense.
- Specific release for helmets and safety attire.
- Specific release for trail riding.
- If the boarder, their horses or their guests cause damage to stable property, the boarder has to pay the stable for repair or replacement.
- Contract limits boarding stable’s liability to amount actually paid by boarder to boarding stable.
Horse Health, Vet Care and Emergencies
- Contact information for boarder’s vet and farrier.
- Provisions allowing stable to seek veterinary care for horse if boarder can’t be reached.
- Provisions allowing stable to specify initial and ongoing vaccination, Coggins, worming, and other care requirements
- Separate form allowing stable to seek medical care for boarder in case of emergency.
Sample Barn Rules
- Suggested barn rules are provided, or the stable can substitute its own.
Termination and Boarding Stable Lien Rights
- Either party can terminate for any or no reason. Boarding stable can specify what amount of notice is required.
- Boarding stable can also terminate for cause (e.g., boarder not paying, not following barn rules). Boarding stable can specify what amount of notice is required.
- Boarder can’t remove horses until all fees paid in full.
- Stable has automatic lien on horses to satisfy past due board, and boarder can’t remove horses without stable’s permission until bill is paid in full. Boarder waives rights under state agister’s lien law and instead agrees that stable can sell or give away horses left behind by boarder.
- Boarder agrees that stable can sell or give away tack and other personal property left behind by boarder.
Boarding Application
- Very detailed application.
- The boarder’s contact information, including place of employment.
- Information about the boarder’s horses, including medical history, allergies, behavioral issues, special bedding or feed needs, etc.
- The boarder’s vet and farrier contact information.
- The boarder’s current and past boarding facilities and reasons for moving to a new facility.
- Whether the boarder works with a trainer or instructor.
- What visitors the boarder expects to have at new facility, such as horse lessees, horse service providers, etc.
- The boarder’s consent to a credit check (optional).
Haul – In Liability Releases
- Designed for persons who bring their horses to the boarding stable, but are not boarders. For example, riding lesson customers, clinic participants and persons who might come to use the boarding stable’s arenas or other facilities.
- Separate youth and adult liability release forms.
- Specific provision for helmets and safety attire.
- Specific provision for trail riding.
- Indemnification clause: If a third party, such as an insurance company or a family member, sues the boarding stable in connection with the visitor or their horses, the visitor has to pay for the stable’s legal defense.
Boarding Stable Visitor Liability Release
- Designed for persons who come to the boarding stable and may ride or handle horses, but are not boarders. For example, boarders’ family members, persons who lease horses from boarders and spectators at barn events.
- Separate youth and adult liability release forms.
- Specific provision for helmets and safety attire.
- Specific provision for trail riding.
- Indemnification clause: If a third party, such as an insurance company or a family member, sues the boarding stable in connection with the visitor, the visitor has to pay for the stable’s legal defense.
Standard Boarding Termination Notice Contents
- One-page notice form.
- Designed for boarding stable that needs to terminate boarding contract without giving a specific reason.
- Can require a boarder to pay in full before leaving.
- How much notice the stable is required to give the boarder depends on what the stable’s existing boarding contract says. For more information, contact ELS for a consultation.
Late Payment Termination Notice Contents
- One-page notice form.
- Designed for boarding stable that needs to terminate boarding contract because boarder has not paid on time (or at all).
- Can require a boarder to pay in full before leaving.
- How much notice the stable is required to give the boarder depends on what the stable’s existing boarding contract says. For more information, contact ELS for a consultation.
Boarding Termination Notice for Cause Contents
- One-page notice form.
- Designed for boarding stable that needs to terminate boarding contract because boarder is not following rules or otherwise violating boarding contract.
- Can require a boarder to pay in full before leaving.
- How much notice the stable is required to give the boarder depends on what the stable’s existing boarding contract says. For more information, contact ELS for a consultation.